4 Ways To Plan Your Maldives Vacation

Would you like to take a tropical island vacation? A week long getaway, perhaps, to one of the most magical, mystical, remote locations in the world?

Of course you would.  And if that sounds like a good idea then you might now be wondering exactly which island you should visit.  Well, if you can’t decide on just a single island, maybe you should try 1,192!  

Or rather, maybe a handful of the 200 inhabited islands out of the nearly 1,200 total pieces of land in the Maldives archipelago.  The government only allows one luxury resort per island so each island really is a vastly different experience. With that in mind, then, consider these Jumeirah Dhevanafushi Maldives island resorts according to their various specialties:Image result for 4 Ways To Plan Your Maldives Vacation


Surrounding by rustic, natural beauty, many divers recommend the 3-star Biyadhoo resort for its diverse range of dive sites.  The resort is home to the renowned PADI dive school with widely experienced instructors that will not only teach you the ropes of diving but also advise you on the best places to peruse the undersea wildlife—as per your particularly diving skill level.  You can also snorkel among the 7 different passages in the house reef if diving really is not your thing.


The Maldives may have been mostly influenced by its Southeast Asian neighbor, India, but the cuisine here is definitely international.  And in no place will you find quite the diverse representation, here, than at the 3½-star Kuredu Island Resort and its 4 succulent buffet restaurants featuring local Maldive recipes as well as dishes of Far East (Japan, mostly) and Mediterranean influence.


If you want a little bit of everything, when you visit the Maldives you should make a stop—or have a stay—at the 4-star Meeru Island Resort & Spa.  Here you will find probably the most diverse range of activities and facilities to meet your many vacation desires.  There are 5 accommodation types here: Garden Rooms, Beach Villas, Jacuzzi Beach Villas, Water Villas, and Jacuzzi Water Villas.  


As a couple, maybe you just want a little privacy.  If that is the case, consider the 4-star Veligandu Island Resort & Spa. This secluded resort is nestled in a peaceful, quiet, remote, natural setting, complete with private crystal lagoon. Sandy strolls at sunset and starlit dinners at the Madivaru restaurant are only the beginning of the Soneva Fushi offers you could find at this island resort.