Backpacking tips for the newbies

Backpacking is fun, period. It is an experience which you will love but putting it into words can be very difficult. However, if you are new to backpacking and if you are looking for a few tips to help you in your travels then you are at the right place:

  • The first among many tips for any backpacker is always pack only essentials and keep it as light as possible. The reason for this is that you will be carrying the load and carrying heavy loads can put a great amount of stress on your back. What seems small can cause unbearable pain because you will be carrying them for long durations.
  • While packing also make sure that you do not pack any expensive items or items that have memories attached to them. If your bag gets lost or stolen you will be devastated, so keep these things at a safe place and do not carry them on your journey.
  • Backpacking trips tend to be long trips. You should not rent a room or apartment to keep your things safe here while you are backpacking around the world. You should in fact rent storage units near you and keep your things there. These are economical and can save you a lot of money.
  • When you are backpacking in a new place it is a good idea to make friends with other backpackers and continue the adventures together. This way you will be spending less and also in new places it is a good idea as it will help you stay safe.
  • When you are backpacking make it a point to eat at places that locals go to. The food generally would be very good and it would be economical on your pocket too. If possible make your own food and for that you can stay in hostels that allow you to cook. In some countries you can camp in tents and cook all your food too.
  • Always carry your documents along with you when you are in a new country. Also you should keep a copy handy in your backpack too. If your documents get stolen or misplaced the copies will come in handy. You should also keep your document copies in your email as it can come in handy too in difficult situations.
  • Always post your experiences and also stay in touch with one family member or friend. At least one person should know where you are heading to and this will be really helpful if you are in any distress.