How to fly for the first time and land safely at Detroit airport

Flying for the first time can be a great experience for some people. But for many people, flying for the first time can not only be a harrowing experience but it can also be a bit scary. There are many people who find it very difficult to fly because they are very scared and anxious about the whole experience of flying.

However, there are few things that can be done if you are flying for the first time in your life. These things will surely help you in alleviating your anxiety to some extent. You may be worried and clueless about some things, however, little bit of planning ahead in time can go a long way in easing you into the process of flying for the first time.’

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Let us start from the very beginning. So what is the first thing you will need to fly? The answer is very obvious and that is a plane ticket! So depending upon your destination, you will have to buy a ticket. Now, depending upon where you are flying for the first time, you may or may not have to take a connecting flight to your destination. If you can, choose a non- stop flight to your destination since you are flying for the first time. This will spare you the trouble of getting down at the airport for the layover and then hop on to the next flight. You can buy your ticket from a travel agent or you can purchase your ticket online as well. Tickets are available at the airline counters at the airports also. Plan your trio in advance as tickets get more and more expensive as the date of the travel approaches.

Now you have your ticket with you. The next step is going to the airport. Most airlines flying from the Detroit airport require you to reach at least an hour prior to domestic flights. And in case you are flying internationally you will have to reach the airport minimum two hours in advance to go through various formalities. Once you reach the airline counter you will handed over your boarding pass. Make sure that you keep it in a secure place and keep it handy because you will be required to show it at various points throughout the airport till the time you board the aircraft. Also, make sure you get you baggage checked in and that your carry- on luggage has appropriate baggage tags on them. If you are unsure, call the airline to enquire about the list of the prohibited items that cannot be carried on board the aircraft. To avoid paying extra money, make sure the weight of your luggage is within the stipulated limits.

Once you are onboard the aircraft observe safety regulations. While you are seated make sure your seat belt is buckled in all the time. As the aircraft takes off or is about to land, there is a change in cabin pressure and that may cause your ears to block. This may also give you a headache. To avoid this, you can chew some gum and yawn with your mouth wide open. Try to relax by reading a magazine or a newspaper which will be provided in the seat pocket in front of you. If there is nothing, you can request the air stewards to provide you with one.

Breathe in and if you are on a long flight try and take a nap if you can. Relax and try to enjoy your view outside of the window. Now, if you wish to avoid the hassle of finding the right airport taxi service after your plan land on the airport, you need to book an airport taxi in advance.