How to speed your language learning?

Are you learning a new language? There is no doubt that learning a new language is not just difficult but boring too. You can easily lose interest in it. Yes, spending hours studying and using flash cards can help but that is not enough to speed up the learning process. The only way you can quickly learn a new language is if you find joy in it. Learning should not be a grind. If you have decided to learn the important business languages, you must be looking for a way to speed up the process.You are not alone, no matter how smart you think you are, without some hacks, you can’t really succeed. Here are some tips to speed your languages learning:

Talk to those who are fluent in the language you are learning

It is important you spend enough time in the classroom to learn the language from the instructor but that is not enough, you must also spend some time talking to the native speakers. Whether you are learning French or English, you don’t really have to move to their country to talk to native speakers. There are lots of websites that let you speak with natives for a minimal cost.

Chatting with the person who actually knows the language helps you get the nuances of the language, understand the cadences, pauses, and emphases. Another plus side of speaking to a native is that you may become friends with them.

Watch foreign movies or TV shows

Nothing can make you better at a foreign language faster than watching movies or TV shows in their language. There are plenty of studies that suggest that when you hear sounds repeatedly, they embed in your brain. Even if you are not practicing the language you are learning, by hearing it repeatedly, you can increase your ability to learn.

When you come to the classroom to learn a language, pay attention to what your instructor has to say, but when you go home, listen to that language on a radio or TV. It is a great way of practicing a new language.

Learn the 100 most common words

There are often words in the vocabulary of any language that are used frequently. Usually, 50 percent of a language are made up of the 100 most common words. These words are basically the backbone of the language. So, instead of doing anything else, first memorizethose words andlearn their meaning.

Once you have successfully learned the foundational words, you can now easily follow the basic conversation. This will help you find your way through the language in an easy way.

Have a conversion in your head

Why not run a few monologues in your head? When you are having a conversation in your head, use the foreign vocabulary. Just talk to yourself in the foreign language. You will have the new language in your mind all day long.

UseGoogle translator

We all use social media and Google on a daily basis. Why not follow someone who speaks the language you are learning and use Google Translate for translating their status updates. You can also make friends with them on social media and chat with them in the foreign language. Keep on using Google Translate to understand what they are saying. This will help your brain soak into the new language.

Listen to songs in the foreign language

After movies and TV come songs. Music is usually considered as a magical path to learning a new language. The only problem is that the songs are written poetically so they are not really going to improve your vocabulary or grammar.

Listen to foreign news

A senior tutor, NarguessFarzad, in the Department of Languages and Culture believes that you can learn a language fast if you follow the news in that language. There are common news that are reported in countless languages. Find such news and know the story in your language first. Then, watch videos of that news in the foreign language you are trying to learn. This will help you understand and learn the new language fast.

Follow recipes in your target language

To further sharpen your language learning skills, follow the recipes in the target language. As you work your way through the steps, you can understand the concept of verbs, nouns, and adjectives well.Sometimes, the books even have visual aids which means you don’t have to look for the meaning of the words in a dictionary. This will improve your understanding of the language. You are actually training your brain to remember new patterns with the language. Later on, you will actually incorporate those patterns in your daily life.

Store the vocabulary you learn

Make the target language a part of your daily routine. You must also invest in a notebook to store new vocabulary. Whenever you time find, study the language. When you are learning a new language, you must set realistic goals. Even if you think your new language skills haven’t improved, just keep on trying and you will eventually get there.

Keep practicing

Practice makes a man perfect. Find a friend with whom you can practice speaking the language. You must also learn to think in a foreign language. The more time you spend practicing, the better you will become at speaking the language you are trying to learn.

In the end, remember, the only approach that is not going to work is the one you give up on…

Any approach to learning a new language can work. The only thing that makes an approach not work is your attitude towards it. Maybe you are not being flexible enough with that approach. Let’s suppose you don’t really like your language class and you believe it is not helping. Instead of quitting, think about what you can do outside the classroom for improving your chances of learning. Likewise, you may also be talking to the wrong people. A good way to fix is it to turn your approach.

In the end, just follow these tips to learn the new language fast.