Running for Weight Loss: Fitness Vacations in Mexico

With the obesity epidemic reaching a critical level more and more people are choosing to travel of health and wellness vacations to different destinations around the world. In Asia some of the top spots are Thailand and Bali and in North America many more choose Mexico for it’s convenience and cost effectiveness.

One of these retreats, Mexico Weight Loss Retreat, run by Maria Lopez has a new program she is launching aptly named “Running for Weight Loss” which serves guests from all over the world, yet mainly from the states to come to Mexico and focus on running vacations for weight loss and fitness.

Many of the guests who attend Maria’s retreats love the fact that she is so involved and takes part in the program herself. “She runs alongside us and is so encouraging” Michael from Seattle tells us. “I really get so much out of the Mexico Weight Loss Retreats because we have the best coach ever!”.

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With so many weight loss retreats and resorts all over the world why choose Mexico? For many living in North America taking a retreat vacation in Mexico is far more convenient than taking one half way across the world in tropical locations like Bali and throughout Thailand.

When clients are traveling from American they often choose to travel to Mexico to lose weight and enjoy their health and wellness holidays. What’s more, Mexico provides some of the best serviced resorts and retreats of these kind in the world, while Thailand and also Indonesia where the Bali island is located, are known for having service that is not on par with the likes of Mexico which is often up to American standards or even surpassing it.

So with Mexico so close for most Americans it is the obvious choice for their weight loss retreat vacations and an increasingly more common choice.

Maria Lopez’s “Running for Weight Loss” retreats offer guests a unique way of escaping the stress of their daily lives and learning how to lose weight with running, healthy eating and a unique detoxification program. What’s more the retreats include guest speakers who talk about the benefits of running, and how to fit it into busy daily work schedules, cooking classes to help guests lose weight and a variety of different trips to add to the vacation feel of the retreats.

The Mexico Weight Loss retreat vacation destination and many more throughout Mexico and around the world are receiving more and more people looking to change their lives. If you are overweight then this may be something that you look into to get you out of bad habits and get your body back into shape!