Things to Avoid Doing When Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a thrilling activity for both the novice and the advanced diver. People of all experience levels take to waters around the world to escape from the realities of their day-to-day life and explore a vast underwater world. It is important to remember a few things when scuba diving, regardless of your scuba diving level, to ensure the safety the diver and the underwater environment. The following are some of the key things to avoid on your next scuba diving adventure.

The Basics to Avoid

When you have made the decision it is time to look into scuba diving packages at your vacation location avoid the following.

  • Do Not Use Faulty Equipment – Before you step foot into the water make sure you verify that all of your scuba diving equipment is properly functioning. Also verify that you have a tank full of air and all the necessary safety equipment at your disposal.Image result for Things to Avoid Doing When Scuba Diving
  • Never Dive Without a Buddy – With of the most important rules to scuba diving is to never dive alone. It is essential to have someone with you in case an accident occurs or your equipment spontaneously malfunctions. In addition to having a dive buddy, inform someone on land, about your diving details in case you and your buddy to not return on time.
  • Never Use Unaccredited Dive Centers/Companies – Before diving with a scuba diving company or center, verify they have the necessary certifications, equipment, and emergency procedures in place. Do not risk your health and safety for a dive.
  • Avoid Areas with Heavy Boat Traffic – It is not uncommon to have heavy boating traffic in most tropical destinations where scuba diving is prevalent. Verify you are not diving outside the safety of surface marker or where wake buoys clearly identify the location of boat traffic.
  • Know Your Limits – One mistake divers make is pushing themselves further than their equipment and limits allow. This includes becoming so involved in exploring your surroundings you forget to monitor your equipment, diving too deep, or losing track of time. Have a clear dive plan lined out before entering the water and do not exceed it.
  • Avoid Diving in Areas Outside your Experience level – Avoid diving in locations that are beyond your experience level. Some waters are too rough or unpredictable for the novice diver. Find out about the site you want to dive in prior to hitting the water or invest in some additional training to better prepare yourself for more advanced dive sites.
  • Never Disturb Aquatic Life – As beautiful as the coral may be, avoid touching the plant and sea life when on a dive. The potential to damage the underwater ecosystem is very real. It is also possible to attempt to interact with an animal, such as a stingray, and they become aggressive causing you physical harm.

To have the best scuba diving experience ensure you plan your trip with the safety of yourself, your dive buddy and the underwater environment in mind. Without knowing what to avoid and what is necessary when planning to go scuba diving, divers could inadvertently end up doing damage to the environment or causing injury to themselves or others. A properly trained scuba diver always ensures safety is a priority.