5 Things to See in Cambodia

Cambodia’s peak season is between November and February. At this time of the year, the weather is also the coolest, a perfect time to travel. Also called the Kingdom of Cambodia, this country is full of wonders. In fact, Angkor Wat alone draws about two million travelers every year. This ancient site should be on every person’s bucket list for there is more to it than meets the eye. Here are a few things to see in the country.

The Wonderful Marine Life in Cambodia’s Waters

Cambodia also takes pride in their rich marine life. Water enthusiasts will be delighted when they try scuba diving or snorkeling in Cambodia’s waters. Its tropical waters are abundant with splendid coral reefs and astounding aquatic life. Some of the best dive sites in Cambodia include Koh Rong, an untouched village with the surrounding waters full of sea stars, scorpionfish, etc. If you like to dive at night, try Koh Kon and spot cat sharks and different species of eels. They also have colorful corals, parrotfish and goatfish. Bring an underwater camera and take lots of photos. You can compile these pictures to create the best photo books.

The Apsara Dance in Cambodia

There are so many things to love about Cambodia. One of them is dance. Art and theatre lovers should definitely consider watching the Khmer performance in Cambodia especially the Apsara dance. You’ll know more about Cambodia’s history with this traditional dance that stems from Buddhist and Hindu mythology. The dance is slow with mesmerizing choreography that will surely enchant and perhaps hypnotize the audience.

Angkor Wat

Be amazed by the largest temple in the world at Angkor Wat. This temple which is listed at the UNESCO World Heritage site is a must-see in Cambodia. It was built in the 12th century and is still one of the ancient wonders of the world. You won’t find anything else like it. The temple boasts extraordinary art and superb architecture. With the hundreds of temples in Cambodia, Angkor Wat is the most frequently visited by tourists. This spot also has the most beautiful sunrise and sunset.

Rare Species at the National Park

Although Cambodia has numerous temples and shrines, they also have attractions for adventure-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. Visit the national parks in Cambodia such as the Ream National Park, Kirirom, Preah Monivong and Phnom Kulen parks. You’ll find quite a number of rare species and endangered birds like the white-bellied sea eagle and the Brahminy Kite.

Glowing Planktons in Koh Rong

Do you want to experience something incredible that doesn’t involve temples and shrines in Cambodia? Order a few cold drinks in Koh Rong and stay in the beach bars. At night or when it’s dark enough, stay in the water and see the planktons glow. It’s a sight to behold and a must in Cambodia. You can even snorkel at night for an even better experience.

Don’t Forget the Delicious Street Food

Do you love exotic food? How about eating fried tarantula in Cambodia? If spiders aren’t your thing, you can always try Cambodia’s best street food such as the juicy Lok Lak, grilled sausages and pork on skewers and fish amok. And guess what, they have fried frogs here too. If you want to live like a local, do try their local delicacies. You won’t regret it!