Christmas in Lanzarote?

A bit of winter sun can provide a refreshing pick-me-up as the British winter takes hold, but where to head for? If you take a look at the weather forecast in Lanzarote in the month of December, your mind may be made up for you.

Lanzarote is one of the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago that stretches out into the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Morocco. It has been a popular summer holiday destination with Britons for many years, but increasingly is now becoming a popular destination in December.

The weather forecast in Lanzarote in the month of December is usually very welcoming. The island enjoys an average temperature through the month of around 19oC but has been known to peak at 20oC. It makes it a beautiful location to escape to in December, swapping the grey and dark British skies for the clear blue horizon and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

Here are a few more reasons why you may wish to book your next winter break in Lanzarote in December.

Great line-up of Christmas events

If you’re heading to Lanzarote in December, there is a good chance that you will have Christmas on your mind. The island plays host to a whole range of local events throughout December and the Christmas holidays, including markets and festivals. Local restaurants often have special Christmas menus to enjoy. Many of the municipalities on the island will also publish a Christmas programme of events in the run-up to December so that you can make your plans early.

Have the beach to yourself

Okay, so that may not be strictly true, but when compared to the busy summer months, December is a great time to visit Lanzarote because things will be nice and quiet. The beaches won’t have nearly as many people on as during the summer months, and many will be locals who are out enjoying their island during the Christmas public holidays. It’s a much slower and more laid-back feel to the whole island.

new Year’s Eve with a difference

If you’re bored of New Year’s Eve in the UK, with the miserable weather, overpriced taxis and extortionately expensive restaurants, then Lanzarote will give you an entirely different experience. With weather forecast in Lanzarote in the month of December very favourable, you will likely spend your New Year’s Eve grabbing a bite to eat in a restaurant during the early evening before perhaps taking in the fireworks at midnight in the Old Town. From there, head to the main strip and enjoy some more celebratory drinks in the bars before watching fireworks on the beach at 1am. Yes, New Year’s fireworks on the beach. It doesn’t get much better than that.