Guide to the Best Montreal Food

Montreal is home to some of the best dishes in the world. The city restaurants are busy 24/7 cooking and serving great and delicious traditional foods. The city is really crazy over food. With their amazing culinary selection of local produce which has caught the eyes of internationals, it’s always great to test out their foods, even as a first-timer.

Smoked Meat

Montreal smoked meat is second to none. At first sight, this special delicacy is not only yummy, it is also able to rumble your tummy with just a few pieces. Smokey meat is like a mixture of sweet and salty sandwich garnished with a lot of slices, specially prepared in that unique Montreal style.

Image result for Rip N Reef


It will be interesting to know it’s actually pronounced poo-tzin and not poo-teen. This Quebec hearty food of french-fries has taken the international food community by storm. It currently tops at the Canada national dish rankings. Poutine is crazily delicious that it will draw you always to want to have some more. I have had some nice poutines; trust me, it’s amazing, and if you happen to be in Montreal, it will be really nice to check out this food.


Montreal has delicious bagels; they are so glorious that they outclass New York’s. They are noticeably sweeter. They are boiled in honey and malt syrups, which makes it distinct from that of NY’s bagels. Montreal bagels are baked in traditionally made firewood ovens. Bagels are great and the calories from bagels are full of nourishment.

Maple Syrup

Quebec is actually the world largest producer of maple syrup; they produce at least 75% of the world’s maple. It will be confirmed by many who have tasted sweet maple that it is indeed finger licking. Demographically Quebec eats up more maple products than anywhere else in the world. If you have ever tasted maple caramelized sap in any of its various forms, then you would understand what I am talking about.

Montreal’s Best Late-Night Foods

Dream for some delicious midnight snacks? There are great night restaurants that work 24/7, Montreal is home to a lot of classic late night food spot like Rib’N Reef, and this is, without doubt, one of the best food spots in Montreal.

The Markets

It’s on record Montreal has one of the largest markets in North America with over 300 vendors; farmers and various producers all gathered together. If you are a food person like I am, then you probably like to visit a local market. There are great local markets in Montreal; be sure to check some out.