Places to visit in Japan during spring season

If you plan to visit Japan then it is highly recommended that you should visit there during the season of spring.  Spring season of Japan is one of the most beautiful seasons that will surely leave you awestruck with its natural beauty. Spring season is considered as a season of cherry blossom where you can see the immense beauty of pink color and all the surroundings are filled with pink shade during the season of spring.

During your Japan tours there are some of the places where you can enjoy the best view of cherry blossom such as –

Tokyo – Capital city of the country is one of the best places to start your tour.  This city may have big sky scrapers but there are many beautiful natural spots where you can enjoy beauty of cherry blossoms.  In this city, you can get various friendly locations where you can enjoy the picnic with your family. Parks over there are very beautiful and some of the parks are located over the bank so you can also enjoy boating and fresh breeze. There are places available where trees of cherry blossoms are decorated with beautiful lights and roads are also bustled with drinks as well as food stalls.

Okinawa – it has been known that the start of cherry blossom begins from this place. Best time to arrive at this place is during mid January while there are many spots available where you can enjoy the immense beauty of cherry blossom. Place where you can enjoy blossoms include wild forest area. You can also visit Nakijin castle where tunnel of cherry blossom is the main highlight. In the tunnel, you get the cherry blossom trees that are covered up with lighting. This place is basically an island where you can also enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of beaches and other natural things.