Popular Culture Attractions in Thailand

In recent years, Thailand become popular and is the prior choice for many people who will spend Best Thailand Tours. It is well known that there are many attractions in Thailand, what will make your eyes open! Here highly recommend 2 main popular culture attractions in Thailand and if you take Thailand Tours Packages, your trip will be smooth.

Grand Palace – a sovereign and amazing palace

The Grand Palace was built in 1782, up to now; there is over 200 years history, it is the city’s most famous landmark in Bangkok and is a must-see sight! The Grand Palace won more tourists marvel at its fascinating architecture and complicated decoration continually. Nowadays, the place is used to host royal ceremonies and treat the King’s guests and other diplomatic envoy.

There are a few palace complexes with outstanding buildings in Grand Palace. For example the temple of Emerald Buddha, you can find a well-known and greatly revered Emerald Buddha inside. The cloths covering on the Buddha will be changed with the seasons, and put on by the King of Thailand, which is an important ritual.

It is important to note that you must wear long pants, shirts with sleeves or similarly modestly dressed. Cause this is the holy place where all of Thailand people respect and cherish.

Ayutthaya – an enchanting old city

Ayutthaya, a historic city, was founded in 1350 and surrounded by three rivers, which preventing attack to this city by other warships and help to protect the city from seasonal flooding as well. Ayutthaya was once a vital heart of global diplomacy and commerce, and nowadays it is a ruin with big value of archaeological and regarded as enchanting ruins where displaying the city’s past and the history of its splendid architecture.

When you visiting here, that will give you an idea to record the facts about the city and experience here, since the city is telling the story itself by whispering. Wandering around the eternal ancient ruin sites, you might be humbled by the ingenuity of the craftsmen and strong spiritual beliefs.

Ayutthaya History Park is the center of Ayutthaya city, and famous as a UNESCO world Heritage site. Where you will see a head image of a Buddha was surrounded by the root of a tree. This is the typical and most attracted site. Another palace named Bang Pa-In Summer Palace is staying in a friendly landscape lake garden that was once an island itself. Here you will enjoy pleasant and harmony atmosphere.