Injury During Vacation Trip? How to Prevent & What to Do

Most backpackers find summer vacation an exciting time to enjoy fun and thrill of travelling. Whether you are on a short trip or have a plan to take a tour around the globe, going for safety measures is a must to prevent sustaining any sort of injury. Being away from home, you should be extra careful as it is a new place and you don’t know anyone here.

Check the Car for Safety

Whether you are using your own car or a rented vehicle, maintenance is highly important to ensure safety on the roads. Check if the tires are inflated property and feature the right amount of tread. It is also important to check the fluid level even before you start. Swapping out of car’s fuel is important, especially before you go for a long drive. Check all the safety devices including seat belts to make sure that everything is working properly. Securing child seats (if any) is also important. Go through your car insurance paper to find out if coverage is provided for any type of vehicle including a rented one. Also ensure to carry copies of the insurance policy details whenever you are travelling.

Make Sure To Arrive Earlier At the Airport

If you have a plan to travel by flight, there is no use of reaching the airport at the eleventh hour. Get ready in time and set out for the airport as early as possible. There may be heavy traffic on the road or delay due to security hang-ups. You can use online check-in options to bring speed in the process at the check-in counter. At the cost of repetition, we want to remind you that reckless driving must be avoided. Never pick up speed beyond the permissible level and always go slow in the congested areas. Accounting for what you may face on the road, get out of your home earlier to reach the airport much before the departure time of your flight.

Go Through Your Medical Insurance Paper before Travelling Abroad

If you are planning to spend your summer vacation in a foreign country, take out your medical insurance paper and go through the details once again. Check if your insurance policy provides coverage after you suffer an injury abroad. If it is there, check the extent of coverage for an injury sustained on a foreign trip. If coverage is not adequate, you should seriously think about upgrading it or buy temporary travellers’ insurance. These types of insurance plans provide coverage for any injury suffered in a foreign land. If you are injured, immediately seek for medical treatment and file a lawsuit claim with your insurance company as early as possible.


As a traveller, you will less likely want to confine yourself to the hotel room. It is more likely that you will enjoy the new place to the fullest and take part in adrenaline-pumping activities (if any). If you get injured after participating in any such game, seek medical help immediately. Do you suspect that this happened due to someone’s deliberate or inadvertent action? Contact a personal injury attorney. If such unfortunate incident ever happens to you in Portland, you should consider taking help of a Portland personal injury lawyer. The person will evaluate your case and try to bring you the just amount of compensation.