Travel Insurance Facts for Travellers

Travelling abroad is all about enjoying nature’s beauty and adventure to the fullest. It is a thrilling experience to cherish throughout your life. What if you pick up an injury in a foreign country and it is a severe one? Depending on the consequences, it could be a nightmarish trip for you. Physical injuries could be scary and expensive as well.

From our discussion with an eminent Green Bay personal injury lawyer, we discover there are restrictions on coverage for Statutory Accident Benefits. This blog will help you understand what should be adequate coverage under a travel insurance plan and how a personal injury lawyer can offer help in such a case.

Adequate Coverage under Travel Insurance

In some states of the USA, no fault benefits are accommodated in a car insurance plan and that makes it pertinent to buy travel insurance that will provide adequate coverage. You should decide first if you need a private disability insurance plan to compensate your loss of earning in case you suffer an injury and fail to continue with work temporarily or permanently.

Next, you should consider if the travel insurance provides enough coverage for medical bills that you have to pay after picking up an injury. These days, most insurance plans sponsored by the employers cover injury-related expenses for inter-state travelling. You should have clear understanding of what these plans include and exclude.

Sometimes, buying travel insurance is necessary to get coverage for any shortfall. In that case too, you should choose a policy after going through the available coverage in details. It is necessary to evaluate if the coverage will suffice you needs and know about the important exclusions. Only after you are fully satisfied with the kind of benefits, buy a travel insurance plan.

Travel insurance plans often include some shocking exclusions. Our lawyer has told us that some policies surprisingly exclude car accidents. If you buy such a policy without taking a notice of what it excludes, you will come in for a big trouble after suffering an injury abroad. A policy that excludes benefits for injuries resulting from a car accident must not be a good purchase for your purpose.

Another common exclusion is if the insured person suffers an injury when he/she is drunk. It is common for the travellers to enjoy drinks during their trip. It may be the case that you enjoy a few pegs, get up from the sofa, fall after walking a few steps and sustain an injury. Rubbing salt to the wound is your travel insurance that provides no coverage in such a case. Getting down with friends to enjoy cocktails is a part of travelling. If such an exclusion is enlisted in your insurance plan, buying it makes no sense at all.

Taking Legal Actions

If you want to file a lawsuit after suffering an injury while travelling abroad, the first consideration is to find out an experienced personal injury lawyer. Consulting a local lawyer will not do you much of favour as the person may not be enthusiastic to take up the case as you live thousands miles away. As it is challenging to find out a lawyer to represent such cases, most of the times, the travellers fail to get compensation for injuries sustained abroad.