Tips for Landing a Good Part-Time Job after Retirement

If you are a retiree looking to dive back into the workforce part-time, you’re in luck. There are plenty of work opportunities available for people with your years of experience.

But, before you send in a clunky resume that dates you as out of the loop, you need have all these tips in hand so that you can land that perfect part-time job. Following the tips are a few stress-free part-time opportunities you should take a look at.

Let’s get started.

Take a Class

You might have interest in working in a different industry than you retired from. A lot of people want to try new things after retirement, and you should keep learning.

But in order to snag a job in a different industry, there are some skills you might need that you don’t already have. What you do have is time to take a class to refresh your skills or to learn new ones. Taking this initiative will show prospective employers that you’re serious about learning and continuing your professional growth.

Plus, a lot of universities offer free or discounted classes for seniors and retirees. Even if it’s not for your career, why not try one out?

Make Use Online Profiles

Most people who have access to it, regularly use the internet. This isn’t an old-young thing, it’s just a world thing now. But especially if you’re on the job market, you need to be using the internet.

Online profiles are the way that hiring managers get to know who you are. If you don’t already have a LinkedIn account, set up your profile and get connected. This is one of the top spots for recruiters to notice you. Engage in online discussions in industry associations, committees, or volunteer groups. This will help establish your online identity.

Use Every Search Tool You Can Find

You should be accessing every tool available to you.

This should not be limited to the large aggregators like Indeed and Monster. In fact, you might have better luck searching industry-specific job sites or sites that cater specifically to the area you live in. Local government sites also are always posting new opportunities. If you live in a township or borough, try inquiring with them. Often, there’s flexible, interesting work available.

Always Use Email

It is tempting to pick up the telephone and make cold calls about open positions, but don’t yield to the impulse. Instead, let your fingers do the walking and talking on the keyboard. Send emails to potential hiring managers. It is the primary business communication method for most hiring managers. Telephone calls are sometimes prohibited in job ads. Be sure to follow the instructions for applying.

Informational Interviews

Informational interviews aren’t just for the new college graduates. These networking moments will help you get up to speed on things that may have changed since you left the workforce. Networking will also help you find out about open positions. These informational interviews may even garner you a top notch referral that lands you a fabulous part-time job.

Soft Skills Are in Demand

Retirees are more likely to have soft skills that are unmatched in today’s younger labor force.

Let this work for you. Seniors have been communicating and handling face-to-face professional conversations for decades. The younger workforce is not as skilled because they rely on technology to communicate via text. Your soft skills, people skills, are an underrated tool that you can use in almost industry.

Use Your Professional Knowledge in Consulting

You can share your wisdom as a consultant. A lot of firms these days are eager to have the wisdom of experienced employees without the overhead of keeping them employed full-time. Being a consultant on a per project basis is a way to make some extra income and dabble in the workforce as a retiree.

Consulting is pretty easy too. It’s mostly about having knowledge and experience. Luckily, that’s exactly what you have. It may be worth reaching out to local companies in your industry and seeing if they need any help or guidance.

Volunteer At First

Volunteers are valuable commodities to universities and nonprofit organizations.

If you do a great job, you could find yourself on the receiving end of an offer to be a part-time paid employee. Building rapport with department heads through volunteerism is one way to gain a part-time job as a retiree.

Of course, only do this if you can afford it and are interested in getting your foot in the door to a new field. If you need to supplement your income, this is probably not the best route.

Work for Uncle Sam

Seasonal and part-time employment opportunities are available through government departments and agencies. You are less likely to face discrimination based on age in the hiring process for government jobs. In fact, being a senior is usually seen as an asset for government employment.

Work with the Seasons

Holidays are the best time of year to find part-time jobs in various industries, but especially retail and customer service.

Department stores are notorious for hiring extra help leading up to the Christmas rush. If you are looking for extra cash for the holidays, toss your name in the ring as an applicant at a business you support. It will be busy and it’s not for everyone, but if you need the money or just want to reenter the workforce, it’s not a bad option.

Be Your Own Boss

After retiring from the rat race, as a retiree you have time to be your own boss.

Especially if you have some money you can invest, why not put it behind your own ambitions and start a small business? This could be anything you wanted. You can sell things you make or do contract work in the field you retired from.

This can really go in any direction you want. Just know, the beauty of having your own business is you can determine how much time you want to spend in it.


Put those years of experience under your belt to help younger people. You can either be a tutor at a community college or youth center. The non-credit courses at universities also need instructors. Sharing your knowledge with others is a great way to spend your retirement.

Do What’s Right For You

Breaking the work habit during retirement is hard to do, and while you should relax and enjoy your life, you don’t have to give it up completely.

You can find a part-time replacement for the full-time career that you left behind. You can explore other career paths while working at a part-time job. Industries that you didn’t have time for before can be discovered now.

Use the tips and suggestions above to find out what’s right for you, and go after it.