Five Steps to Help Improve Co-Worker Cooperation

If an organisation is to meet its goals and run smoothly, it is crucial a work environment which supports colleagues collaborating amongst each other be fostered. Unfortunately, this doesn’t naturally occur in most organisations, this is why it is crucial that you make an effort and take the needed steps to build as well as sustain a work environment that is cooperative.

There are quite a few steps and activities which the leaders and the employees can take together to better their collaborative relationships.

2. Teamwork Must Be Central Component of Your Culture

For co-workers to collaborate successfully, the firm’s leaders must work to make sure that collaboration is one of the enterprise’s key values. Employees must see that within the firm, the leadership work together in teamwork to accomplish their goals. Also, the leadership of the company must publicly award teams when they have successfully worked together and reached their objectives.

For collaboration to truly improve, an environment in which employees do not feel afraid to share their ideas must be provided by leaders. Leaders must also create a culture in which they encourage and reward the sharing of ideas. For better collaboration, a central theme of the mission statement must be teamwork and collaboration.

2. Employees Must Be Trained and Ongoing Learning Encouraged

Being able to work as a collaborative team member is a skill that not everyone is born with; that being said, this skill is one that can be learned. This is why it is crucial for an organisation to spend the money needed to invest in the teamwork skills of their employees. There are countless amazing team building courses available for employees to attend. That are also specific skills which employees must learn in order to be effective collaborators.

The ability to effectively communicate with co-workers is one of these skills. There are workshops which are practical in which employees are able to learn how to improve communication through public speaking. Their confidence, as well as ability to articulate points, will increase as they learn public speaking skills. Furthermore, if the course is completed as a group, it will also bring them closer together.

3. Encourage Socialising Outside of Work

When in the office, employees focus on their tasks at hand. What this means is that there is not much time for them to bond on a more personal level. When it comes to team collaboration, it is vital that they get to know each other outside of the workplace. It is found that short trips abroad where employees only know each other, therefore, are more impelled communicate on a personal level is more effective than a few drinks after work. Team building event organisers, Red Mago, are a great company for such events.  When co-workers participate while in a social event, it helps to break down in-office barriers, this will improve collaboration as they will have built up the trust which will allow them to feel more comfortable as they collaborate.

4. Clarify Roles and Set Expectations

Organisations will realise that if all their employees are on the same page, it will soon become a seamless and natural process to work collaboratively. Making sure that every employee understands, not only their role but also the role of the others around them will help all involved to have a better understanding of the big picture and the way in which they fit into the large scheme of things.

It is also crucial that clear expectations for the teams be set by the leader so that as the employees work together and everyone is clear on what objectives or goals must be reached.

5. Quickly Resolve Team Conflict

There will never be a perfect team; this is something that is really important for organisations to realise and to have a system in place to take care of any conflicts which may arise. The system should permit employees to express their concerns without fear of repercussion. Employees must also be allowed to have input on the solution which the organisation makes in regards to the conflict. Employees who are aware of a system which is in place and can rest assured that the dispute will be handled in a fair manner will be able to go back to a team in a manner that is healthy and collaborative.